
Should I refinance my mortgage? 

How much do I need to save for my child's college education

As accounting professionals, these are some of the questions that are posed to us on a daily basis. We are providing these interactive financial calculators and other tools to assist you with some of the day-to-day questions and concerns that may arise. While these financial tools are not a substitute for financial advice from a qualified professional, they can be used as a starting point in the decision making process.
Car Loan Calculator More...
Alternative Payment Frequencies More...

Bi-weekly Payments for an Existing Mortgage, Mortgage Comparison: 15 Years vs. 30 Years More...
Personal Finance
Basic Calculator, Home Budget Analysis, Life Expectancy More...

Roth IRA Conversion More...


Car Loan Calculator Determine your car loan payment based on your purchase price or find out how much you can buy based on your monthly payment.
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Alternative Payment Frequencies Use this calculator to determine your payment or loan amount for different payment frequencies.
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Bi-weekly Payments for an Existing Mortgage This calculator shows you the possible savings by starting to pay your current mortgage with bi-weekly payments, instead of monthly payments.
Mortgage Comparison: 15 Years vs. 30 Years Use this calculator to compare these two mortgage terms, and let us help you decide which term is better for you.
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Personal Finance

Basic Calculator This works just like a pocket calculator.
Home Budget Analysis Analyze your budget, see where your money goes and find out where you can improve!
Life Expectancy This calculator can give you an idea of your life expectancy based on your current age, smoking habits, gender and several other important lifestyle choices.
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Roth IRA Conversion This calculator will show the advantage, if any, of converting your IRA to a Roth.
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